Last week, we showed up our preliminary work on our first environment: the Ancient Mines. After integrating it in Unity3D, we realized that it didn’t fit our needs, so we started over again with a new approach: a cleaner scenery with more space for the summons, and an interesting strategic component. We have been working on it for several weeks, and it is ready.
Creating magic...
This week, we bring you a video about how our new environment has been developed. We have also integrated several of our units on it, so you can finally take a look at how the game is really going to look like. We wanted to take the chance to share it with you and get your comments.
Speed up video for the concept process
Would you like to take a look at the concept artwork drawing? The next video illustrates the process.
Here you can take a look at some Unity3D captures showing our work progress at the scenery set-up:
Work in progress
The spell system is in an advanced state of development, at least the basics. In the video you will also be able to see some tests about how spells can interact with Unity 3d’s clothes system.
There is still a lot to do:
Please, stay tuned to discover all this great novelties! Remember that you can subscribe to our blog by using the Feedburner form in the right column. You can also follow us on Facebook and Google+. Share your comments with us!
There is still a lot to do:
- Our CG artist is currently working on the user interface design,
- we are also working on adding advanced features to the spell system,
- and finally, regarding to criature design, we have great news to be confirmed along next week, with the incorporation to our team of a great character designer that will bring some new fresh air and great ideas to Archmagia.
Please, stay tuned to discover all this great novelties! Remember that you can subscribe to our blog by using the Feedburner form in the right column. You can also follow us on Facebook and Google+. Share your comments with us!
The Many-Worlds team
The Many-Worlds team